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Map your holistic Online Marketing Strategy with the STDC Framework


Map all your (online) marketing activities in one framework. This way you reach your customers in all phases of the purchase decision and always have an optimal overview of your customer journey.


How to make the most of the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Framework


SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Framework as a solution

In the different phases of the purchase decision process, users have very different needs for information and interaction.

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Measurability of the individual phases

In the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model, each phase is assigned its own key figures for evaluating success.


Webanalyse as the foundation for measuring success

Webanalysis is as important as Online Marketing itself. Only with valid data, you are able to make well-founded decisions.


Online Marketing Channels in the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Framework

Different channels available in online marketing are differently suited to achieve the respective goals of the phases.



How this e-book helps to structure your online marketing strategy:

  1. The SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Framework provides you with a tried and tested model.

  2. You can always keep an eye on all phases of your customer journey.

  3. You can make every phase and every channel of your customer journey measurable with individual key figures. 

About the author

Robin is on fire for Online Marketing

Robin Heintze is the founder and CEO of the online marketing specialist morefire. The agency provides its clients with more traffic, leads and sales through the right strategy combined with operational implementation.


Robin Heintze

CEO Marketing

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